Free Mobile: the 4G package at 2 € allows you to block data for free


Free Mobile has just confirmed that Unlimited MMS remain active when you block the data of your 4G plan at 2 €. Which turns out to be quite logical since these will not be deducted from your Fair Use of 50 MB.

When the upcoming inclusion of the 4G within the Free Mobile package at € 2, or at 0 € for Freebox subscribers, effective from today, many of you have wondered whether it is possible to block data in case of exceeding. This question is fully justified since the 50 MB of Fair use associated with the offer will be easily and quickly exceeded.

And to this question, the answer is yes and more for free whereas it was not the case before. In addition, other good news, the Unlimited MMS, the second novelty of the € 2 package, will not be deducted from the Fair Use, leaving you a few more megabytes to take advantage of the very high speed offer offered by the operator.

Free Mobile: the 4G package at 2 € allows you to block data for free

Block data for free in the 4G Free Mobile plan at 2 €

To take advantage of this new free option of data blocking within your 4G Free Mobile plan at 2 €, all you have to do is go to your customer area and then deactivate the unlimited Internet, Mail and MMS option as below.

A little click that will allow you, once your 50 MB monthly Fair Use used, not to risk an overrun which could quickly lead to an additional cost which in general quickly grows on an invoice, especially with a flat rate of 2 €.

By going to this page you will also see that it is specified in black on white that the Unlimited MMS will not be deducted of your data plan, giving you the possibility to send photos and other files to your friends as you wish.

If of course Free Mobile had taken a little more than 50 MB of data in its 4G package at 2 €, this offer would have really been flawless.

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