How to activate the unlock code on my iPhone?

How to activate the unlock code on my iPhone?
In order to properly configure your iPhone and improve the security of your data, the minimum is to use a code to unlock your iPhone. Here's how to activate it if you missed this step when you first started your smartphone..

Activate the unlock code for your iPhone

  1. Open the app Settings.

    How to activate the unlock code on my iPhone?

  2. touch Face ID and code.
    How to activate the unlock code on my iPhone?

  3. touch Activate the code.
    How to activate the unlock code on my iPhone?

  4. Choose the code of your choice. You can choose more settings by pressingCode options.
    How to activate the unlock code on my iPhone?

Your smartphone is now secure. Depending on the version of iPhone you have, we recommend that you enable Touch ID or enable Face ID on it for added security.

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