Insert music into a PowerPoint slideshow

Insert music into a PowerPoint slideshow

The manipulation to insert a sound in a slide show with PowerPoint 2007 is quite simple.
Open the Powerpoint software or the desired slideshow if it is already created.

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Insert audio file

Go to the insert tab, then select the “sound” menu, then click on “From an audio file”. A window opens and invites you to select the audio file you want to include in your slideshow.

Select the starting music slide

Once the file is selected, a second window will appear asking "How would you like the sound to appear in the slideshow?" ",

  • Click on "Automatically" for the sound to play from the start of the slideshow
  • Select "On Click" if you want the slideshow to start as soon as you click in the slideshow.

In order for the music to continue throughout the slide show, click on the “Loop until stop” item in the “Sound options” menu

Finally, to hide the sound icon on the slide show, click on "Hide during slide show", in the "Sound options" menu.


  • Embed music in PowerPoint in pictures on

There you have it, you have just inserted a sound design in your slideshow!

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